
We all have challenges, and sometimes we just need an impartial professional to walk with us through the journey to wellness. Give us a call at 205-933-7442. Everyone needs a little help now and then—that’s what we do.
A life coach is someone who counsels and encourages clients through personal or career challenges. Sometimes, you come to a crossroads in life. Perhaps, through choice or due to circumstances, a career change becomes necessary; or, a family crisis might lead to divorce or another type of separation from a loved one. Whatever type of change is needed, you may feel lost as to where or how to begin the new journey.
A life coach can guide you through career, personal development, relationships, nutrition, divorce, grief, and even financial wellness.
With personalized attention and a commitment to individual growth, our Life Coaches create an environment where clients feel empowered to embrace positive changes, building a foundation for sustained success in both their personal and professional lives…

Couple therapy can be a powerful way to change the course of your relationship so both partners can be happy, fulfilled, and satisfied in the relationship. Communication is key. Our professional counselors can help you and your partner to discover the cause for the breakdown in communication and find resolution.
Children and teens sometimes come face-to-face with life challenges, bullying or even trauma that parents just don’t know how to handle. Communication between parents and children can break down, but a professional counselor can assist in restoring effective communication and resolving issues.
What counts as trauma and abuse?
It can be emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual. Trauma can include dangerous, frightening, or extremely stressful situations or events, such as sexual assault, war, an accident or natural disaster, the sudden or violent death of a close loved one, or a serious physical health problem.
Healing starts with learning to identify and understand what has happened to you, and how it affects your life today. That way, you can find the kind of help you need to recover.
People can and do recover from abuse-related trauma. In the first stages of trauma therapy, the client learns more effective and less harmful ways to deal with the overwhelming pain they feel. Therapy also helps clients cope with effects such as flashbacks, panic and self-harm.
The professional counselors at ACT have training and experience in treating trauma and abuse. Call us for more information and to set up an appointment. Help is a call away.

In the event of a mental health emergency, please reach out to 911 or contact the Crisis Center at 205-323-7777.